Advent Theme Introduction –
Our theme for Advent this year is “Words for the Beginning.” We will be looking back at a variety of Bible stories, many of which you might have heard before. But these are also tales of peace and comfort.
The series is inspired by the visual concept of quilting because these scriptures provide warmth and peace. Just as a quilt formed by scraps of old fabrics and meaningful family items, this worship series stitches together the ancient scriptures and reminders we need to hear again and again.
Sermon Introduction –
During the season of Advent, we will be looking back at ancient, foundational Bible stories. This Sunday, we will hear the passage from Luke in which Mary learns that she will give birth to Jesus. She sees it as an amazing blessing! When has God blessed you in unexpected ways?
Introduction to this week’s readings –
The First Sunday of Advent | Words for the Beginning
Mary is described as “blessed among women” (Luke 1:28). She is neither wealthy nor powerful, and yet she is chosen to bear God’s child. Her story begins with blessedness, and so does ours, for the prophet Isaiah declares that we are claimed by a God who calls our name. We are a blessing because we belong to God. When blessedness is our beginning, we begin to see the world—and others—through the eyes of a God who says: “You are precious in my sight” (Isaiah 43:4).
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