“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
matthew 18:20
New Hope Church gathers each Sunday at 10a.m. for worship. We meet in-person in our sanctuary, and online.

New Hope is live-streaming our service through our website homepage and our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/newhopeagoura.
We encourage you to subscribe to our channel to be notified when our service is live.
What can you expect when you arrive to New Hope? You can expect to be met by sincerely friendly greeters that will welcome you and direct you to the Sanctuary. An usher will take you to your seat. You will have the option to seat at tables or in rows of chairs.
The Worship Service begins at 10a.m. with a welcome and introduction from Pastor Steve. Our service continues with music from our worship team that is a mix of worship hymns and contemporary worship. The service will continue with readings and teaching from God’s word, and prayers. Holy Communion is served during each worship service. All are welcomed to the table. Wine and grape juice are offered along with gluten-free wafers. We hope you will join us!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
matthew 19:14
At New Hope, as Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ, along with the sounds and activity that accompany them!
During Children’s Time, children are invited to come forward during the service and sit with Pastor Steve as he shares a brief message with them.
A Pray-ground, located in the sanctuary, is designed for children ages 3 and under to quietly engage in age-appropriate activities while experiencing worship along with their families.
A “wiggle room” is located at the back of the sanctuary for your comfort and convenience. It is equipped with age appropriate toys and furnishings, along with a speaker that broadcasts the worship service from the sanctuary.