Sermon Introduction –
Fifty days after Easter, the promised Holy Spirit falls upon the disciples at Pentecost. The Spirit calls us to let go, let be, and let the Spirit come into our midst. We should work and pray for the same pattern to be fulfilled in our lives today. For Pentecost Sunday Pastor Craig Beeker preaches on the Holy Spirit in his sermon entitled “The Flood.”
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The Coming of the Holy Spirit –
Originally Pentecost was a Jewish thanksgiving-type festival celebrated seven weeks after Passover. On this particular Pentecost, however, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the entire community of believers just as Jesus had promised and the scriptures had prophesied. Empowered by the Spirit, the entire community bears witness to God’s activity in multiple languages.
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The Work of the Spirit –
While speaking to his disciples before his death, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as “the Helper” and describes the difference the Spirit will make in their lives and in the world.
One Comment
Chuck Titcomb
Thank you all. Wonderful service. Wonderful sermon.