Cindy Anderson
Fred Aronowitz
Lori Marie Beals
Steve Blair
Glenn Boom
Louise Bulock
Buzz Burner
Glenn Bustrum
Charles Carney
Pam Carney
Mary Cisneros
Barbara Joyce Croft
Ron David
Jerry Edgar
Parke Elmore
Paul Jacobsen
Barbara Johnson
Denny Koons
Linda LaVanne
Bruce McCown
Dale Meyers
Pat Miller
Robert Miller
Thomas Miller
Marian Pasko
Howard Priesch
June Paugh
Stephan Probert
Don Pryor
Arnold Reuter
Mary Rogers
Bill Rolland
Bill Rothenberger
Sally Samuelson
John Paul Sauger
Doris Schoue
Erin Patria Scott
Harry Selling
Perry Sloan
Joan Sommer
Mary Todd
One Comment
Sue Koons
“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted..”
I am truly blest, my cup runith over.
Thank you Lord for 53 years of marriage and countless memories to sustain me.
I give thanks for all the saints who have gone to their heavenly home.