

Can you give us a hand?

Contingent upon local safety guidelines and restrictions, New Hope Lutheran Church is looking forward to opening up for in-person worship on Sunday, June 20th. As exciting as this is for us all, we cannot do it without volunteers.   Below is a list of duties that we will need help with at our worship services:

Ushers –  Guide worshippers to their seats and ensure current social distancing guidelines are followed. Ushers also oversee the offering collection and ensure it is given to the counters or properly secured.

Greeters – Greet people as they enter the building.  Based on current safety guidelines, greeters may need to take temperatures at the church entrance.  Greeters may also be needed to direct proper foot traffic through the hallways.

Guest Greeter (Evangelism) – Provide hospitality to visitors and to those who are seeming to seek engagement, that may have questions or need assistance.

Reader – Give the reading of the assigned scripture from the lectern.

Cantor/Worship Leader – Lead congregation in worship.

Communion Assistant – We are not yet certain how communion will take place, but it will be in adherence with the current safety guidelines.

Altar Care – When we are able to serve communion, Altar Care will prepare the communion elements in advance of the worship service. Mask and gloves will be required.

Nursery – At this time children will stay with their parents/families, but when allowed, we will need assistance in  the nursery to care for our little ones. 

Acolyte – Light the altar candles and perform other eventual duties. 

Audio and Video support –  This is an essential part of our church service to ensure our online presence to those who will be viewing from home. We will need 2-3 people at each service: one to work the computer to bring up the slides throughout the service;  1-2 persons to livestream the service.  Training will be provided.  

For more information regarding serving in these positions, or to volunteer, email Gail McGinnis at gsmcginnis@roadrunner.com or call 805-523-7884.