Join us in decorating the church while honoring a loved one or celebrating a special event.
This Easter we are transitioning from using live potted plants to decorate the sanctuary and instead will be using beautiful silk hydrangeas. These quality silk plants will be used at New Hope for years to come!
To help with the initial cost, we are receiving donations in much the same way as we have done for live plants. If you would like to participate in beautifying our sanctuary for Easter, please complete the following form. You are invited to include a dedication to a special someone or for a special event. These dedications will be included in our Connection Newsletter, and will also be available as a handout to take with you Easter morning.
Dedications should be received no later than Wednesday, March 27th. Suggested donation: $20
Payments can be made by personal check and dropped off or mailed to the church office, or made electronically through your bank using Zelle®. (Use New Hope Account: laurie@newhopeagoura.com) Please note, “Easter Flowers” in the memo line. Thank you.